Our Montgomery Family

Holly Pampell

Holly Pampell is a Licensed Spiritual Healer, CARE Intern, and Certified Raindrop Technique Specialist. Her passion is educating people about the amazing benefits of essential oils and how to best use them to bring about physical, spiritual, and emotional healing. Holly offers Raindrop Technique which is a 60-minute relaxing experience where a series of essential oils are applied to certain reflexology points of the feet, followed by light touch application with the same oils on the spine. She also offers a relaxing hair pull reflexology technique, ionic detox footsoak, and aromatherapy; as well as the HealthWave mat. This amazing mat has several layers of healing including PEMF (pulsing elctro-magnetic frequency) similar to the earth frequency that helps to ground your body. There are layers of tourmaline, amethyst, jade, and obsidian that help to create an atmosphere of negative ions. Along with red light therapy, the mat is heated. All of these therapies combine to reduce inflammation in the body and fight free radicals.